Besides downloading and installing drivers, WinZip also backs up original drivers, which comes in handy if you choose to restore the earlier version. Not to mention, WinZip is extremely intuitive and easy to use, which makes it ideal for novices or people who just do not want to put up with the hassle of updating drivers manually. An updated driver can boost your system’s performance by 50% or more.
But if Windows finds new drivers, they will be updated in a few seconds. Click Search for updated drivers on Windows Update to see if Microsoft has a driver for your device. Auslogics is another company that creates some of the best applications for Windows. Earlier, we had covered Auslogics tools in our Defragmentation article on Windows 10. And this time around, we bring you an excellent tool for updating drivers on Windows computers. The program is simple and does not require any expertise to update the hardware drivers. All you have to do is click on the “Scan” button and it will find all the potential driver problems and give you a report.
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For most kinds of hardware, the display driver is the “Catalyst Software Suite”. Catalyst is the name of ATI’s unified driver for their most windows 7 usb mass storage devices driver common display adapters. The first is to download them from the manufacturer’s website. The second is to use a driver update utility, which will scan your computer for drivers and install the latest ones.
WikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. Jake Doevan- Computer technology expert If this free guide helped you and you are satisfied with our service, please consider making a donation to keep this service alive. Locate WinZip Driver Updater, click on the three ellipses then select Uninstall.
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